Saturday, June 23, 2012

A day off with a fruity ending....

This week I am only scheduled 1 day off, which was today so I was determined to do something fun with the kids. This morning I picked up around the house and vacuumed while the kids all played, then the girls took their naps while Nathan and I had some time together playing. Caitlyn woke up from her nap first, right around when I was going to start making dinner and was really clingy and upset so up she went onto my back. Even when she's not grumpy after a nap she likes me to wear her while I cook. It's nice for us to have that one on one bonding time together. 

My grump <3

Caitlyn and I made cheese burgers and french fries for dinner and when it was just about done Christin woke up from her nap and was happy to see dinner was just about ready. We all ate our dinner and got all cleaned up. I put the dishes in the sink and cleaned up most of my mess from cooking so we could be ready for our project for tonight. This is something I've "pinned" a few months ago and been wanting to try for a while now. Fruity Play Dough. Having 3 toddlers, I knew this would go over big in our house and it did. Here's how it's made....


1 cup plus 1 tbsp all-purpose flour
1 package Kool-Aid (any flavor)
1/4 cup salt
1 tbsp vegetable oil
2/3-3/4 cup boiling water

(Missing vegetable oil from the picture)

First, you'll want to put all the dry ingredients into a bowl together (minus the extra tbsp of flour) and mix them all together well. Then add the vegetable oil and water. After mixing it all together very well it was a bit moist so I added the other tbsp of flour then and kneaded it well and put it into a container to cool off a bit. Once cool, which didn't take long, I let the kids all play with them. They got really excited helping me mix it all together and even more to play with it. 

I really love this play dough too. It's a great consistency, easy to clean up, makes about twice as much as in a can of store bought and it smells GREAT! Whatever flavor you pick will determine what color it will turn out to be.

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